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2025 draft State Budget estimated at over AKZ 33 trillion

Luanda – The 2025 daft State Budget (OGE) assessed Tuesday by the Cabinet Council, forecasts revenues and expenditure of more than 33 billion kwanzas, and an increase in civil service salaries of 25 percent.

In concrete terms, the instrument provides income and expenditure valued at 33.8 trillion, maintaining the government’s commitment to increase public servants salaries by 25 percent and ensures compliance with the new provisions on the National Minimum Wage.

The draft determines the sources of funding and establishes the criteria for their management, with a view to meeting collective needs and ensuring the sustainability of the country’s public finances.

In terms of implementation, the government proposes, among other things, measures to support investment in food security, by restructuring and boosting the cereals and grains sector and strengthening agricultural mechanization, fundamentally family agricultural production.

Measures to support startups and companies, accelerate public investment and
stimulate growth and job creation and strengthen the school meals program are also part of the draft State Budget.

The draft State Budget will be forwarded to the National Assembly in a few days for discussion and approval, according to the final communiqué distributed to the press at the end of the session.

The Council of Ministers is the collegial body that assists the President of the Republic, as head of the executive branch, in formulating and conducting the country’s general policy and public administration.

Ordinary sessions are held at the end of each month, while Extraordinary Sessions take place whenever called by the President of the Republic

Source: Angola Press News Agency